Hand Diary (series)

Hand Diary Jan, 2021

Hand Diary May, 2021

Hand Diary Jul, 2021

Hand Diary Dec, 2021

Hand Diary Mar, 2022

Hand Diary Jul, 2022

Hand Diary Feb, 2023

Hand Diary Apr, 2023

Hand Diary May, 2023

Hand Diary Jun, 2023
9x 12.6 cm
The earliest appearance of hand mark paint was in cave art. The human hand was one of the most mysterious things in the world. For example, it was the very basis of palm reading. People believed that their future and past were hidden in the lines on palms. I believed those hand lines could tell the stories of people to some degree, like people with rough palms were usually involved in labor work.
When I was anxious, I sometimes had a strong urge to scream, but my reason would stop me. The pressures that I had nowhere to vent turned into different forms in my mind, and I turned these forms into palm drawings. These palm drawings were like my diary, a place where I could release my unsettled feelings.
9x 12.6 cm
The earliest appearance of hand mark paint was in cave art. The human hand was one of the most mysterious things in the world. For example, it was the very basis of palm reading. People believed that their future and past were hidden in the lines on palms. I believed those hand lines could tell the stories of people to some degree, like people with rough palms were usually involved in labor work.
When I was anxious, I sometimes had a strong urge to scream, but my reason would stop me. The pressures that I had nowhere to vent turned into different forms in my mind, and I turned these forms into palm drawings. These palm drawings were like my diary, a place where I could release my unsettled feelings.